Just Send Their Shit Back: A Mirror Spell by Darklady

So you think your cursed, hexed or someone is sending negative energy to you.

Well I have just the spell for you, one I do myself. You will need these things.

A black backed small hand mirror

A black candle

Your strong intent

So this is what I want you to do, take the hand mirror and with your finger use salt water to make the pentagram on the back of the mirror.

Then hold the mirror to your heart area and think that this person or persons will get what the deserve, that what the are sending to you will bounce off this mirror and return to them..

Then put the mirror, facing outside in the window of your bedroom. I found that your bedroom is the best place for this.

Then light the candle, chime candles are the best for spell work, they only burn for a few hours. While the candle burns, think about sending every thing back to them and that you are protected.

So with this spell and your intent, anything anyone sends to you will be sent right back.

A very simple but very effective way to protect yourself, using mirrors in anything, from scrying to poppets and mirrors boxs, is very strong majick.

So there you go, there is no reason now that you can not protect yourself.

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Darkest Blessings


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